Most of the Latest

It has been a roller coaster ride here at Persausive Comm for the past year!

My boy Quinn has had some serious problems stabilizing his glucose levels since he was diagnosed with diabetes in January 2017. We are still working with IVRC here in Des Moines to bring him up to the best health we can. And Dr. Jansen at the Westside Vet Clinic has been extremely helpful.

My boy Quinn, Irish Setter
My Boy Quinn, a handsome devil of an Irish Setter

And I have taken on a gig with Best Version Media to produce a local magazine, North Ankeny Neighbors. They call me a Content Coordinator, but this position is much more a managing editor. I do everything but selling ads and mailing the issues each month. Working on my seventh monthly issue now, and ahead of schedule so far. The first two months were a struggle since I didn’t know but one person who lived in Ankeny. But the work went well and both have been well received. I becomes easier and easier to get families on board to be featured.

Consequently, I had pushed my own work onto the back burner for a spell. Now that things are a bit smoother I will be updating much more often.

Best wishes healthy and prosperous year!