I am amazed at the wonderful turns life can take.

Since my last post, a great many things have changed for Cristina, Quinn and I. Cristina has been burdened with a variety of health issues this year and is now making terrific progress toward a new state of wellness. Quinn has stabilized in his health as well, and seems to enjoy life more than ever (except that now that I am working outside the home for the first time in years, he lets me know that life with less of me to attend to his needs day-to-day is not approved).

I’ve moved on from my writing gig with Best Version Media. After a year, and in light of Cristina’s health issues, I am now a project coordinator in training for Beeline & Blue, a commercial printing firm of large format promotion material and architectural services. I work with a group of people that care about each other and work as a team to complete every project with exceptional grace and high standards.

It’s been three weeks now, and I have to admit, I was not fully prepared for the scope of the change. The first week of November, I was working at home, happily writing articles and exploring marketing opportunities with many new contacts made over this past year. Arose about 8am to largely sunny mornings, followed by a couple of hours researching and keeping up with changes in the economy and stock market, then off for my morning walk with Quinn, then back to work for 3 or 4 hours with breaks for food and a little time to look out the window and dream of Portugal. Then back to work for a bit before I start dinner prep and get the boy and I out for our afternoon walk Then we eat and make plans for the evening amusement. And it was still light outside.

After a couple of hours of reading in our library or watching our favorite shows or a movie, back to work until midnight+/-. I suited me well as a night person. I struggled getting off to bed as early as midnight, but it seemed to work pretty well and kept me healthy.

Then came the fifth of November. Daylight savings time had just ended on the fourth.

Now my days are arising at 6am in the darkness, taking care of Quinns food and relief issues, getting myself ready, commuting 20-30 minutes to work, learning all the protocols and “lingua printa” to adapt to my new role, walking out the door at 5pm to near darkness, commuting again, and arriving at home in moonlight, and trying to make the most of the evening schedule as it was. And even though I’m just starting to get in the creative groove again, pushing myself off to bed by 11 to have my wits about me at 8 the next morning.

While it certainly sounds like giving up a lot for a new pursuit, I’ll get my first check tomorrow. This new influx of cash will go a long way to securing our future. And I now have access to health insurance that will cover Cristina as necessary no matter how her circumstances at work evolve.

Overall, I’m hoping these new changes will contribute to my success as a freelance writer and improve cash flow for my family. So far, I can see a path from here that will work out well. It may require a bit less freedom in my schedule, but the long-range view looks very promising.

Wish me luck if you can. I may need some.